Science in Grade 8 | 4ème

Science Class in Grade 8 Meets Three Times / Week (Instruction in French)

Content (Physics and Chemistry):
  • Air composition and characteristics
  • Molecules
  • Combustion
  • Atoms
  • Electricity: electric potential, electric current, amperage, voltage, resistor, Ohm law
  • Light: composition, colors, energy
Content (Biology and Geology):
  • Human reproduction
  • Neurology and endocrinology
  • Genetics
  • Internal geology: seism, volcanoes, tectonic
  • Gain a better understanding of the role of science in society
  • Learn to use scientific language correctly and a variety of communication modes and formats as appropriate
  • Demonstrate ability to understand scientific knowledge and to apply it to solve new problems
  • Learn to design and carry out scientific investigations
  • Develop skills to interpret data
  • Develop safe, responsible, and collaborative working practices
  • Lesson quizzes
  • Chapter essays
  • Documented research (Long-term individual or group projects, oral or written)
  • Scientific drawings
  • Experiment reports (oral or written)
  • Experiment implementation
  • Field work report
  • Open problem
  • Dedicated science lab with appropriate materials and supplies
  • Equipment such as microscopes, electronic probes, software, etc.
  • Field trips to Mercer Slough, Bullitt Center, etc...
  • Guest speakers who are experts in their fields (Cardiologist, Environmentalist, Volcanologist, etc.)
  • One-week field trip to discover Washington State Geology in 6th grade
M. Nicolas Untz
STEM | Science | Biology | Chemistry