World Languages in Grade 7 | 5ème
World Langueages Class in Grade 7 Meets Three Times / Week
- Listening comprehension
- Speaking
- Tone and pronunciation (Man.)
- Reading
- Writing
- Reading 400-500 and writing 150-200 Chinese characters (Man.)
- Geographical and Cultural Studies: Costa Rica, Chile, Mexico, Argentina (Spa.)
- Chinese history, cuisine, tea culture, fine art, folk dance, and calligraphy writing (Man.)
- Continue the foundations of expression and interpretation
- Concepts of cultural identity
- Long-term projects (La familia, Consumerism, El Restaurante: Spa.) (Story Reading & Retelling, Journey to the West: Story of Monkey King: Man.)
- Projects / portfolios
- Tests / quizzes
- Oral presentation
- Reading comprehension
- Listening comprehension
Resources (Spanish):
- Expresáte
- Cuaderno de Vocabulario y Gramática
- Cuaderno de Actividades
- Cuetos y Cultura
- Grammar Review Text
- OneNote
Resources (Mandarin):
- Easy Steps to Chinese, Book 2
- IQ Chinese Go 200
- Games, poems, songs, videos
- OneNote